A core value of our Political-Pedagogical Project, sustainable development—one that endures over time—presents itself as an ongoing challenge for Beacon in its various aspects. We recognize our role in educating individuals to be aware of their responsibilities regarding environmental, economic, social, and cultural sustainability, and to be capable of promoting actions for the preservation of the planet, resource renewal, education expansion, and the improvement of living conditions in the society they belong to.
In partnership with Reconectta, Beacon promotes a program that fosters a culture and values of sustainability within the school, ensuring that the Political-Pedagogical Project connects students and the school community to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This global agenda, launched by the United Nations, sets priorities and encourages actions contributing to sustainable development through 2030.
Through various interdisciplinary projects, both inside and outside the classroom, we educate individuals capable of recognizing the socioeconomic and environmental issues surrounding them, thinking of alternatives and solutions, and, most importantly, taking effective action in the local and global sustainable development process.
Among the various projects, our students plant, care for, and harvest plants in a garden and learn how organic waste composting works. Active participation in hands-on activities allows for enjoyable, meaningful learning and the development of critical thinking, autonomy, and leadership skills. As agents of the process, students develop an awareness of the importance and the most appropriate ways to separate and reuse the waste they produce, as well as an understanding of their transformative role in the community.
Beacon informs, educates, and develops concepts and practices for sustainable development within the school environment. Educators and staff participate in ongoing training and meetings on sustainability-related topics to promote commitment as
transformative agents of our world.
The values of sustainability are also reflected in our infrastructure. Beacon continuously seeks new technologies and more sustainable processes to reduce waste of energy, water, food, and waste generation.
Our actions involve the entire school community, including students, teachers, collaborators, administrators, and families, acting as key agents in building a fairer and more sustainable society.
We work together with the BCA (Beacon Community in Action - a group of parent volunteers) to carry out various campaigns throughout the year, including our ‘Armário Solidário’, in which used uniforms are given to those in need, and ‘Caderno Novo de Novo’, in which new paper notebooks are produced from donated notebooks with unused pages. We also conduct various actions to raise awareness and mobilize the entire community to build a sustainable future.
Selective waste collection, implemented throughout the school, is committed to giving a more responsible destination to what we produce. The school has an internal compost system that allows students to actively participate in the composting process of the waste produced.
We provide the entire community with a permanent channel for receiving special waste for recycling, such as plastic bottle caps, writing instruments, cleaning sponges, batteries, as well as campaigns that take place throughout the year to assist sending these items to specialized cooperatives and NGOs.