To meet the needs of young students in the final years of Middle School, Beacon is structured as a challenging environment in which students embrace their personal and collective development.

Academic rigor, building a student attitude capable of moving between different types of information, understanding and producing in a wide variety of languages, as well as committing to their process and choices, are the hallmarks of this period, lived in the midst of the transformations typical of adolescence.

The integrated, interdisciplinary and contextualized curriculum deepens the specific areas of knowledge and provides mastery of content, concepts and the means to express them in different languages.

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Program Pillars

Academic Program

The areas of knowledge, under the guidance of specialist teachers, delve into the specific contents and procedures of each subject and are articulated through interdisciplinary projects. Pedagogical action values academic rigor and is carried out through an investigative approach and work with the languages of instruction, which are English and Portuguese.

Educational Guidance

Aims to ensure the healthy development of students and their groups. It includes access to information and discussions on topics relevant to the age group, such as the construction of a life project, gender and sexuality, the use and abuse of psychoactive substances, both licit and illicit, interaction and the moderate or exaggerated use of digital technologies and social networks.

Study Procedures

Encourages the mastery of tools and methods that ensure the student appropriates, analyzes, processes, and produces information in different languages. It includes, among other activities, reading, understanding and comparing texts from different sources; preparing summaries, concept maps and dissertative texts; constructing graphics and infographics; producing, publishing and managing personal productions and those of others.

Elective Subjects

From 6th grade onwards, students complete the common curriculum with subjects of their choice. Through this program, they broaden their repertoire and deepen their studies in areas that interest them. It’s an opportunity to experiment and build a personal path.

Unidades de Investigação

Currículo do Ensino Fundamental I

Language and Literature

Language and Literature integrate the areas of listening comprehension, oral language, reading, writing, visual skills, and presentation. As language is fundamental to critical thinking, understanding and intercultural interaction in the various communities to which students belong, Beacon encourages their involvement with diverse literary and non-literary genres, styles and writing techniques, in English and Portuguese..

Currículo do Ensino Fundamental I

Spanish Language

The focus of Spanish language in this segment is on developing reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills, as well as broadening knowledge of the geographical and historical-social aspects of Spanish-speaking countries. By the end of the cycle, students are able to understand and produce texts and communicate orally, describing events and desires, as well as expressing opinions.

Currículo do Ensino Fundamental I


Mathematics presents three challenges for students in this cycle: to expand on the knowledge they have already worked on, to develop the skills and competences needed for secondary school, and to maintain their fascination with the challenges of the area and its connections with social life. The work involves problem-based learning, as well as the investigation and application of mathematical knowledge in situations at school or outside the school environment. It focuses on mathematical literacy, which is the ability to formulate, use and interpret mathematics in a variety of contexts. This includes reasoning mathematically and using mathematical concepts, procedures, facts and tools to describe, explain and predict or estimate phenomena.

Currículo do Ensino Fundamental I

History and Geography

Enabling students to understand the context in which they live, in its temporal and spatial dimensions, is the main focus of the History and Geography areas. To this end, concepts and procedures are worked on which include research, data analysis and understanding of complex, multifactorial processes, typical of human interaction with the environment and with their peers, in different times and spaces.

Currículo do Ensino Fundamental I


The study of Science includes content from the areas of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geology and Astronomy, connected to other areas of knowledge. It encourages students to explore questions through investigation, making observations and carrying out experiments individually and in groups. The themes proposed, with the application of science in real contexts, make it possible to reflect on and propose actions related to the tensions and dependencies between science, ethics, culture, economics, politics, technology and the environment.

Currículo do Ensino Fundamental I

Arts and Music

The arts stimulate the imagination, challenge perceptions, and develop creative and analytical skills. Students have the opportunity to learn about art, and to produce and express themselves in different languages. They also challenge and enrich personal and group identity. Music is also part of the Y6 and Y7 curriculum, with more work on understanding the elements of musical language, theory and notation. This offers students the conditions for a full musical life, making them capable of appreciating popular, classical, ethnic and jazz music, as well as encouraging studies in music as a future area of activity. In Y8 and Y9, drama classes are part of the curriculum, allowing students to develop a range of skills related to performance, posture and improvisation.

Currículo do Ensino Fundamental I

Physical Education

Physical and Health Education promotes an understanding of the value of action and movement for a healthy life. The curriculum includes content on physical and health knowledge, aesthetic movement, team sports and individual disciplines, which fosters appreciation and respect for peers and collaboration and communication skills. It values building interpersonal relationships.