Elementary School consolidates the foundations for broadening students' cultural and social repertoires. Languages and Mathematics, which structure the other areas, are taught in Portuguese and English.
The consolidation of literacy, the development of oral skills in Portuguese and English, and the expansion of the investigative role and student attitude are the hallmarks of the curriculum for this age group, organized around the transdisciplinary themes of the Primary Years Programme.
We focus on the development of values and skills such as dialogue, living together in a collective space, and mutual respect in order to form responsible citizens, critical, thinking and active beings with solid principles and an open mind.
Watch the videoly Years Elementary School Portuguese Language: This area involves understanding, interpreting, and producing written texts; listening to and producing oral texts; and linguistic analysis. It enables students to develop textual competence in various communication situations, expressing themselves orally and in writing. It improves reading skills, which ensures that they can obtain information, interpret data and facts, acquire knowledge more quickly, recreate, observe, compare, understand, analyze and criticize texts. Studying, reading, and producing a wide range of oral and written textual genres makes students competent readers and producers of texts that include paranzas, critical reviews, comics, among many other styles. Permanent access to literature helps to broaden the cultural universe and sharpen the critical sense of young readers.
English, like Portuguese, is the language of instruction in Elementary School. Learning is deepened through interactions, instruction, and activities in all components of the curriculum. Students read increasingly complex texts, carry out tasks that require written or oral responses, develop comprehension, memorization, analysis and evaluation skills, and are able to use the language in all other subjects. Exposure to works of international literature in the English language promotes, nurtures, and increases interest in learning, broadening mastery of oral, and written communication.
Learning mathematics involves specific knowledge of mathematical notions, concepts and procedures, mathematical literacy and problem solving in different situations. Students develop knowledge of numbers and operations, quantities and measures, algebra, probability and statistics, and geometry, making connections with challenges proposed at school and outside, since mathematical thinking is present in various areas of life and everyday life.
In the area of Science, experimentation plays a fundamental role, leading students to understand the connections between concepts learned in the classroom and the world around them. To reach conclusions based on experience, students are led to observe, explore, measure, compare, question, predict, test theories, and articulate hypotheses with their classmates and teachers. Science learning is structured around the themes of Matter and Energy, Life and Evolution, and Earth and the Universe. In all of them, investigation is key to the construction of concepts and meanings. Concepts are organized around broad themes that are linked to other subjects.
The Social Studies area brings together History and Geography in Elementary School. Students broaden their understanding of the world by bringing their experiences and relationships into focus, in relation to the practices and ideas of those who live or have lived in different times and spaces. Understanding oneself as part of a context and broadening the notions of community and human society, similarities and differences between groups are the focus of the area. Students investigate the organization of different practices, communities and societies, the local and the global, their contexts, values, cultural expressions, and interactions with the environment in which they live and interact. They also broaden their understanding of the impact of technological advances on individuals, society and the environment.
Physical Education integrates the body and movement into the process of children's cognitive, affective, and cultural development, which promotes motor skills in a creative and healthy way. The program focuses on learning to move and learning through movement. It brings together games, challenges, adventures, and conditioning. With a greater motor repertoire, the student expands the possibility of expressing themselves, as well as understanding limits and aptitudes. Play and sport also bring socialization and awareness of individual and collective challenges. It develops attitudes of cooperation, solidarity and otherness.
Music, understood as a language, is an area of knowledge with its own grammar and content. At Beacon, the work begins in kindergarten and continues until the end of high school, as part of the students' all-round development. In primary school, music is taught through perception, singing, creation, percussion and experience with musical instruments. A repertoire of popular Brazilian music ensures contact with national production, contributing to the appreciation of our roots and Brazilian identity. Alongside songs in English, the activities enrich the school's bilingualism.
The development of visual languages in children takes place through making, appreciating the process of creation and production and the artistic work. The methodology articulates research and poetic experimentation through the direct use of different materials, as well as contact with the artistic production of cultures at different times, including manifestations such as popular and contemporary arts.